About EXPERTE.com

What Does EXPERTE Mean?

EXPERTE began in Germany, which can be seen in its name, the German word for 'expert'. An expert is someone with a special skill or knowledge that indicates mastery of a particular subject. We apply this designation to our authors, all of whom are eager to share their expertise with you.

Our Mission

Good software solves problems: It makes our digital activities more efficient, productive, safe, collaborative, and smart. Unfortunately, even the best programs don't achieve this automatically, and that's assuming that you can find the best.

Enter EXPERTE.com: Regardless of whether you're leading a company, working freelance, or looking for software to use at home, we'll help you make the right choice in terms of Website Building & Ecommerce, Design, IT Security, and Business Software.

What We Do

  • Our objective reviews and comprehensive comparison tools help you to make informed decisions about software and find the best solution for your specific needs.
  • With beginner-friendly tutorials and step-by-step guides, we'll show you how to get the most out of your software and devices, regardless of your experience level.

Our Principles

To meet our strict quality standards, we make sure that our content adheres to these principles:

Clear and understandable
Technology should be accessible to anyone, but that's only possible if the reader can understand what's written. We clearly explain complicated processes in simple terms so that anyone can follow along. At the same time, we keep our articles interesting and appealing to their target audiences since many programs are designed only for specialist use.

Adds value
There's enough hot air online. We respect your time and wouldn't dare to waste it with generic, filler content. For that reason, every paragraph we write should offer something unique and informative.

We strive for maximum precision and accuracy in our research and conclusions. Before recommending any product or software, we assess it thoroughly and compare it across multiple categories to its competitors. Our objective testing criteria are communicated transparently, while our subjective opinions are supported logically. Should you notice any inconsistencies or errors in our articles, please contact us directly.

As an independent online medium, we are not financially or otherwise beholden to any program, service, or software. Our activities are supported through affiliate provisions, which have no correlation to the ratings that programs receive in our reviews and guides.

Clever marketing doesn't fool us: Our reviews are as critical as possible and bring to light any weaknesses or discrepancies that we encounter. A piece of software's advantages and disadvantages are honestly and objectively reflected upon, since not every solution is the best for a particular purpose.

Pragmatic & group-oriented
Not every kind of software is intended for general use, and that's okay. System admins and programmers would sneer at many solutions geared toward those with less technical experience. All of our content is prepared with its target audience clearly in mind.

Programs are constantly undergoing further development, while costs can and do change several times per year. For these reasons, we regularly update our articles and guides, making sure that our recommendations and opinions reflect the most current state of affairs.

Our Authors

We owe our name to our authors: Each is an expert in his or her field, possessing either an academic background and/or years of relevant professional experience.

Many other authors have written for EXPERTE.com, including:

  • Carsten Icks
  • Daniela Berg
  • Frank Vogelsang
  • Jonathan Kraske
  • Manuel Brandt
  • Robert Merkel
  • Sabine Schumacher
  • Stephanie Kolbe
  • Thomas Heindl
  • Michaela Weiß
  • Helen Arnold
  • Lisa-Marie Karzick
  • Gregor Wansa
  • Thomas Köhler

Our Reviews and Comparison Tools

Our comparison tools are among the most important resources EXPERTE.com offers. When selecting and recommending a new provider or service, we take the following steps:

Provider research
To start, our experts identify the relevant providers or software within a particular category. Since this can amount to hundreds or even thousands of companies, at least one of the two criteria below needs to be fulfilled in order to make it into our sample:

  • The company is widely recognized within its branch. This can be reflected either in terms of its number of customers/users and/or reviews across multiple online portals.
  • The company offers something innovative or unique within its branch. This distinguishes it from its (potentially) more well-known competitors.

Adhering to these criteria allows us to compare well-established products to ambitious newcomers, all the while keeping our sample sizes manageable and clear.

Our experts test every provider in our sample from top to bottom. Each category receives a numerical score, and every provider's overall score is based on the average of these. This overall score is then displayed in our comparison tool.

Price checks
The providers and services that we review can sometimes use complicated pricing structures. Often, different conditions and features are priced separately or only unlocked with specific subscriptions. For this reason, the database for our comparison tools includes every available subscription with dozens of data points. Only in this way, is it possible to help you find the package that best meets your needs.

Comparison tool
We create a comparison tool for every review series that we publish. Results can be sorted according to their review score, customer ratings, or price. In addition, you can filter providers by the presence of certain features or capabilities, to find the service that ticks all of your boxes.


EXPERTE.com does not generate revenue from ad banners or other pushy forms of marketing. Should you purchase a subscription to a product or service via our link, we receive a provision from some providers. This provision has no influence on how the service is ranked in our comparison tool.


Should you have any questions or want your business to be considered for inclusion in one of our samples, do not hesitate to contact us and we'll respond as quickly as possible.

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